There are a lot of business ideas that one can take up and start making cool cash from, majority of the time the problem is not a business idea, most times the problem is the capital to start this business.
A lot of people majorly start a business as their side hustles which include students, civil servants, and what have you. Most times what these people want to achieve is just an extra source of income to help them pay their bills comfortably and probably invest or make up for little savings.
Some other people start a business as a full-time job where all their source of income solely depends on it, while some people might have the capital to start others have little or no capital to start.
Are you in any of the above categories? In this post, I will be writing about business ideas you can start with little or no capital.
Below are some of the business ideas you can start with little or no capital
yes I know the question in your mind right, but NO, you don’t need to own the car, you can get registered with companies to become a bolt/uber driver.
All you need is probably your driving experience and a driving license. If you have a driving license before now, this will cost you almost nothing, but if you don’t, this will cost you a little amount of money to get your license done.
And with your sincerity and being able to meet up with the company’s criteria, you are good to go. You mustn’t even register with a company, you can also meet with someone, maybe a close relative of a friend who owns a car, and tell him about it and you guys would agree on the percentage to share the proceeds of the business.
If you own a car, then you are in for a lot of profit already, with your driving license you can convert your vehicle to an uber and make money from it.
Dry cleaning business:
Another business idea that is very simple to start. Again, for a start, you don’t need to own a washing machine, all you simply need is detergents, and an iron and you are good to go.
Although washing cloth is considered stressful especially when it has to do with washing clothes for a lot of people, ironing and packaging them, you can always get a washing machine when you save up the money from your profits, it’s very feasible.
Cleaning services:
Most busy people hire people to clean their homes, offices, or place of work, once a week, twice a week, or once a month depending.
Whatever the case may be, you can decide to work as a cleaner for people in your spare time, this sounds like an ideal business idea for students who don’t need something to do full time.
You can start where you are, with your neighbors, workplaces, or offices around you, and then grow from there.
It's important to note that this business idea is not gender specific
Selling other people's products - one of the easiest business ideas
The common name for this is affiliate marketing. This business idea could be done offline or online.
Offline, all you need to do is to decide what kind of products you want to sell, you don’t need to buy these products before selling them.
After deciding, you can meet with someone who sells these products and have them sign you up as an affiliate provided you pledge your loyalty and trustworthiness.
Most times, they don’t necessarily need to give you their products to sell, all you need is to reach an agreement with them and then get customers to buy their products on an agreed commission for each customer you bring to them.
Again, this is not only limited to only products, and services too. You can recommend their services to people and when those people get serviced from them, you get a commission too.
For example, you can recommend your friend who is a dry cleaner to someone else who needs a dry cleaner at an agreed commission perhaps 20% or 30% of the service charge.
Recall that, you aren’t even the person providing the service, great right?
Online, you could sign up with brands that sell digital products and help them create awareness for their products and also sell to people.
This is quite simpler because you can do this in the comfort of your home with just your cell phone and a few marketing strategies.
Become a food vendor
These days, people get a lot busier and tired to cook, so they would just order online.
All you need to start this business idea is of course your cell phone to receive people's orders online.
A flier to create awareness, and a social media page to create awareness and credibility for your brand.
Building credibility for your brand on social media Is very important for this business because people are careful of what they eat and who they buy it from.
you don’t need to worry about cooking and perhaps someone not buying, they pay before service and you cook with their money.
Fabrics business - a very lucrative business idea
Yet another awesome business idea. You just need a little capital to start.
you can buy in large quantities from wholesalers and sell in smaller quantities. Also, you can set up an online store for your fabrics, you can also sell on platforms like Jumia and its likes.
This is a very lucrative business idea that people are taking advantage of daily.
Jewel ties and accessories - a beautiful business idea
Selling jewelry is a lucrative business idea, people want to look good all the time and they tend to buy these things willingly or because they have to.
Also, you can buy from very big markets, at a cheaper rate, and sell to people in smaller quantities. You would want to make sure that what you are selling to people is not fake to protect your brand name.
you can decide to sell based on a specific gender or age range, you could sell accessories for ladies, men, kids, teenagers etcetera.
Daycare services
Do you love children and their company? Here is a nice business idea for you.
But you would want to make sure you are not an impatient person because kids could be annoying most times.
There are a lot of busy parents everywhere who would pay whatever amount just to make sure their kids are well taken care of while they are working.
starting up, you don’t need much, just a comfortable and well-ventilated room, a clean environment, kids' toys, beds, decorations, and stickers on the wall and create awareness.
Once you have all these in place you are good to go, with time, if you are interested, you can also set up a bigger firm for this business and employ people.
With all these business ideas, what are you still waiting for? Just choose one that best suits you and start immediately.
start with what you have and where you are.
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