A lot of people are confused about this thing called ‘purpose’. Some people even confuse it to be one’s talent .in as much as our individual talent has a huge role to play in discovering one’s purpose, talent is not purpose.
For the sake of clarity, talent is simply something someone is so good at and performs without stress, something that occurs naturally to you.
Something you can do even after waking up in the middle of the night. Meanwhile, your purpose is simply the reason for your existence. The purpose of a plate could be to aid eating, and that of a bucket could be to enable fetching water, this is simply the reason it was produced in the first place.
While a lot of people wait for “seers” or “soothe Sayers” to tell them about the reason for their existence, some others might as well be waiting for a loud voice from heaven. As much as this works for some people, it might not work for you. Besides how sure can you be that the seer is genuine? Or that the voice you heard was not an illusion? Furthermore, do you want to wait until when exactly to hear a loud voice to begin living an intentional/purposeful life?
Below are a few tips that can help you:
Find out your Talent(s)
I earlier said that our talent is a great indicator of our purpose. Are you a good writer? Probably your purpose is related to writing, you might just have to write to inspire/save a life.
Are you a good speaker? You might just have to speak to help people/motivate people. Do you sing effortlessly? Then you might just need to sing to heal souls. for some people, their purpose might not be related to their talents, but you need to find out your purpose to be able to know that.
Generally, our talent gives a clue to what our purpose might be.
What do you enjoy doing?
Now, I don’t necessarily mean your hobbies, I mean what gives you a sense of fulfillment. What do you do and do you feel fulfilled inside out? This is a clue too.
What are you not comfortable about?
It’s very possible that you can change that which you are not comfortable about. This is to say, your purpose is related to something you don’t feel comfortable about. As a young boy, Martin Luther King was uncomfortable with how the black Americans were treated like a piece of trash, he grew up to become a leader and an activist who worked against racism. That might just be part of his purpose.
Mary Slessor wasn’t okay with the killing of twins, she worked to stop that act, it might just be part of the reasons for her existence. No doubt stopping these things they were not comfortable with gives them a sense of fulfillment. You can be the change the world is waiting for.
Finally, get up and work!
None of these people found purpose just lazing around, they were actively working, going to places, meeting new people, doing new stuff, getting more sophisticated, learning, and unlearning. Do you think Mary Slessor would have stopped the killing of twins if she was just idling away? Hell no. start doing something, if you are yet to find your talent, try new things, your answer lies there. Pray also, pray to your God to help make your search easier and worthwhile, after all, he is the creator and he knows just what and why he created you!
I hope this helps.
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